Jason Laws: How your TOES can save your swing Videos Like This 1:18 Jason Laws: Achieve a perfect impact position 1:14 Jason Laws: Add the chip-and-run shot to your short-game 1:08 Jason Laws: Add the low pitch shot to your short game 2:32 Jason Laws: Are you using the wrong putter for your stroke? 1:07 Jason Laws: Better distance control on long putts 1:28 Jason Laws: Conquer long bunker shots 1:11 Jason Laws: Conquer short bunker shots 1:11 Jason Laws: Cracking the biggest myth in golf instruction Subscriber Only 1:20 Jason Laws: Define your pre-competition routine 0:33 Jason Laws: Do you release the putterhead correctly? 1:01 Jason Laws: How to chip into the grain of the grass Jason Laws