Building team chemistry is an important part of any Presidents Cup. But this year, the American team did a little couples bonding as well.

On the eve of the 2024 event at Royal Montreal, the American wives and girlfriends – a.k.a. WAGs – were given the seemingly daunting assignment of painting portraits of their significant others. But if the results are any indication of how the tournament will go, then Jim Furyk’s squad is in good shape.

To be clear, not all of the works of art were, well, works of art. In particular, we’d suggest more practice painting ears. But overall these turned out surprisingly well. See for yourself:

Good job. But if we were to single anyone out, it would have to be Russell Henley’s wife, Teil.

Now that’s a work of art. Also, a quick Google search says that Teil is a full-time artist so she’s a total ‘ringer’.

Anyway, nice job, ladies. And good luck to all their guys trying to top those efforts with their clubs this week.