Getting better at golf-ball manufacturing sounds about as exciting and relevant as getting better at hospital corners. But Callaway’s multiyear commitment to pursuing precision golf-ball production – the tally by now is well past $US50 million in improvements to its manufacturing capabilities at its Massachusetts plant – was about one thing: making its golf balls exactingly consistent for more potential distance and tighter dispersion. In short, better, tighter manufacturing opens up new areas of innovation. In this case, that meant a more efficiently explosive core and a sleeker aerodynamic pattern.
Is it for you?
CS: The softest in the family targets average golfers and their larger mis-hit patterns. It flies the highest with the least spin.
CS X: Played by most of Callaway’s tour players, this ball is for fast swingers who covet control.
CS X LS: This firmer ball is for faster swingers who play straighter shots but need a little more short-game spin.