The Apex name has long been associated with clubs for better players, dating to when it adorned many noteworthy Ben Hogan iron models. Callaway has now expanded its Apex family to include a game-improvement iron that lives up to the name’s heritage. The forged, carbon-steel body features a cavity-back that is a little deeper and a sole a tad wider than the standard Apex, but there are many shared technologies. Chief among them is a cupface that wraps around part of the topline and sole to maximise rebound on the 4 through 9-irons. The company also continues its use of tungsten encased in microsphere-filled urethane, which allows for centre-of-gravity positions that produce a launch angle one would expect to see in a game-improvement iron, despite slightly stronger lofts. The stock steel shaft is designed for average golfers as well. True Temper’s Elevate ETS 85 shaft is lightweight (one-third lighter than a standard steel shaft) to increase your swing speed but with enhanced tip stability to keep the clubhead steady at impact. The name might suggest it’s for better player, but this iron is an appropriate way to bring Apex to the game-improvement crowd.
7-IRON LOFT 30 degrees PW LOFT 43 degrees
“The ball rockets off the face with a climbing, driving trajectory. Love the silver-clubhead, black-badge combo.”