We’ve seen some sinister golf-related things in our time. Like the time that wife rained on her husband’s parade after he texted to say he’d made a hole-in-one. Or that fake-snake prank that seems to be going around a lot lately. What a sick and twisted thing to do to your golf mates! Those pranksters should be locked up!

But this might just take the cake. If it’s real, that is. We must consider the source here, but at the very least, someone thought of this. Just like someone thought up the concept for the “Saw” movie franchise. And just having the idea is pretty sick and twisted in its own right.

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What we’re talking about is a wife kidnapping some of her husband’s golf clubs. On a day he’s supposed to play golf. And then leaving a ransom note. Talk about a horrifying plot twist.

But instead of looking for any amount of money in return, in order to get his clubs back (the “silver clubs with the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9” LOL), the husband has to first mow the lawn and edge the driveway. Have a look:

Wow. Pray for the marriage of “Mark” and “Cheryl” after this. Asking him to send a photo as proof might be the best part. Besides the “silver clubs” part, of course.

Depending on how you look at the situation, this is either pure evil or an evil genius way to get your spouse to do his/her chores around house. Either way, don’t anyone dare show this note to my wife.